Friction vs. Freedom

Technology has completely disrupted the way we work, and it's likely to continue to keep us off balance.

But, if you want to drastically improve your practice, technology is an essential part of the process.

Yes, there are major challenges, but there are also amazing opportunities...if you know how to spot them and then leverage them.

Leveraging Tech

Modern lawyers should optimize their digital workflows by harnessing automation as much as possible.

New ways of communication must be adopted, especially given the increasing prevalence of remote work and virtual collaboration.

Good news for solos

Increasingly it's possible for solo lawyers to be more effective and more efficient than larger firms.

That's purely because of modern technology. But to harness its advantages you have to use it well.

If you do you'll increasingly enjoy work more, as well as gain greater financial rewards and more freedom.

Step 1: Remove friction

The key to success in any business is removing friction. Anything that impedes the flow of work is friction.

But spotting the friction can be tricky. That's because traditional workflows are familiar so we don't notice the friction.

For example paper-based workflows are filled with friction. Lawyers who shift to digital workflows endure less friction.

But then they encounter new friction because they don't know how to optimize their digital workflows.

Alas, what's a poor lawyer to do?

Step 2: Be selective

Look, technology is essential now. That's obvious.

What's less obvious is that we can't just keep loading up on new software and tech tools. Buying new software or equipment is easy, but knowing what to buy and how to use it is the hard part.

There are too many options, and more options are introduced every day. So, you need to minimize the complexity and confusion.

Step 3: Keep it simple

Don't chase cutting-edge stuff, even if you hear fancy consultants recommending it.

Stick to what's tried and true.

Focus first on what creates the most leverage and has the highest overall benefit to your practice.

The bottom line...

Technology takes time to assess and understand. Some lawyers have time for this, but most do not.

So, if you want help leveraging technology, this newsletter is for you.

What folks I’ve helped say

“I recommend Ernie to anyone who wants to work smarter…while watching everyone else run around in circles.” — Catherine Fairchild

“Ernie is a pioneer in helping lawyers adopt technology, and I highly recommend him if you want to improve your law firm's efficiency and effectiveness.” — Tom Kirkendall

“Ernie has been nothing short of extraordinary. He’s shown me how to use technology to reduce stress, increase efficiency, and have more free time. —Neenah Jordan Kelliebrew.

“Useful advice on the nuts and bolts stuff that really makes a difference in my practice (in contrast to high-dollar consultants that provide conceptual stuff that I don't find helpful). — Marty Sullivan

I look forward to helping you as well.

😉 Ernie

P.S. You can also check out my website if you’d like

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The less-taken path to freedom & fulfillment


I help fellow lawyers reduce friction to gain freedom & fulfillment.